
Ľubomír Slovenský

The archaic phrase "birth lump" refers to the relationship between man and the land, which is his source of sustenance and the backdrop of his life. The GeoIdentity interactive installation in larger-than-life size visualizes rock and mineral samples, which the viewer can examine in detail from all sides.


Ľubomír Slovinský (1993) is a Slovak designer and artist in the field of digital media. After obtaining a bachelor's degree in the art design studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and a master's degree in the digital media studio at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, he continues his DA studies in the same studio. In his work, he mainly focuses on environmental, natural and urban themes, often using digital media such as projections, light or video installations and animation. In addition, as the founder and head of the independent cultural organization Zapadnuty Kút, he managed to launch the Gelnické Illumination festival in Gelnica, Slovakia. Source: @horastudio