As it all began, part 1.
Before the preparations for this year's Prototype festival take place, we will give space to those who stood (or sat) at the birth of past years. How do they recall the past years of their coordinator, co-creator, and especially the brains of the whole event? How do girls without experience become girls who organize a festival for a thousand people? We asked each one separately how they see the history of their work within the festival. Below you can read almost unabated authentic testimonies - in the first part by Veronika Rejšková, where you will learn, among other things, what New Zealand means for you at the moment.
What was your position on the organizing team?
What was your experience with organizing festivals?
Actually, no, but I've had a part of the program called Coffee Trends on several Coffee Weeks, which made the Prototype a little bit.
What did you experience from the festival organization?
The main experience was that I found out what it all meant to have my own project. Combination of responsibility for this, all the people in the project, visitors, for money, for sponsors, etc. This combined with, uh ... quite a bit of age, is a total experience booster.
Is something that the festival took?
Especially the last four autumns, which have always been the prototype tugs, and there was no time for anything else. I look forward to going to a burcak and I will not think about how much this year's festival area has to do.
What was the main motivation to stay with?
About the moments when I felt it was "meaningful" - watching artists from different industry bubbles (a mix of electricians, artists, designers, IT people ...) working on a joint project where everyone contributes to their know-how. It has a huge drive. At the event, they are, of course, satisfied visitors - everything is running after almost every year's preparations, visitors scratch, browse inquisitive installations and sometimes look excited. I think it is great that in Brno we have a platform for creating and meeting people from different fields, which at the same time offers a presentation of the output in the format of the festival for all age groups. Well, when it seems to you that what you are doing has a good impact, so it gives you the motivation to continue working on it, though it is sometimes nervous.
Without which people would the Prototype never arise?
Those are those questions when I'm afraid to forget about anyone, so I'm narrowing it down to the very birth of the festival concept. The prototype would not have been without Klára Vamberská, Domčená sestra, who took part in the first coffee show for the Coffee Week, I think in 2011, and who immediately said: "Look, it looks like we can make a fashion show, right? So what if we do another on our own? "I told her that it seemed like a pretty stupid idea to me. Nevertheless, I thought about it somehow, and three years later, the first Prototype was headed by a fashion show full of shining clothes, which our modeling team made mostly of our team. So thanks, Klárko!
And now, instead of trying to name other names, I will just mention the common denominator for all those who touched the Prototype, albeit just a little - the enthusiasm that crossed all levels, from volunteers, through our sponsors or visitors to our parents. Without that enthusiasm, the Prototype could not be what it is ... it would not even exist.
What do you think about when it comes to the Prototype?
Countless evenings spent with the organizing team at Impact Hub, which has always been a hiding place and hatching ideas and connections, for which I never thanked him enough (I hope I'm doing it now!) Then also a bunch of moments when I learned that something is not working , it is not how it should be or someone has canceled something, etc. How to trick your whole stomach at the moment and you want to find yourself under the blanket, but instead you have to turn on your brain and solve it immediately. And then, too, there are many people who have invested in the Prototype a pile of their energy, time and belief that everything will be OK.
I'll also pick up my frozen feet after the second year, which took place in the basement of Little America where it was really cold. When I came home with a vision of a hot tub, and when I came, it did not flow warm water.
Prototype in one word.
Art, science or technology?
How did you get 5 years ago to organize the festival?
I kind of started the story upstairs, so I just add what happened between Klárčina's question, it's almost eight years back and the first year. When I was thinking about the show that Klárka had come to, I thought it would be interesting if it went out in the dark, with different light sources on the dress, so that only light could be seen, not a dress. And the idea always grew a little bit up when I talked to someone about it. The crucial moment was when I was talking to Rostislav Somora, a friend of mine who had studied electrotechnics and who had become an integral part of the team, and I quickly realized that the idea would do things that would not even dream of me. I had imagined by then that we would buy a pile of candlesticks somewhere in the underpass and tie them to chisel shirts. Well, all of a sudden, we talked about dressing up the clothes in the places where they touched them or when the model clapped. Well, that idea grew and grew and packed up more and more people when I, Klárka and Domča, officially launched a new project under non-profit Kulturarium. When we counted it, we realized that making a show for a stack of money that would take twenty minutes was not a good deal, and we started looking for more articles in the program. We did this surprisingly quickly.
We've joined a lot of active students from JAMU and friends from various technical disciplines. Suddenly, we had a whole program with a pile of creators, and it was obvious that we were not doing a show with an accompanying program, but a festival. Domca devised God's name Prototype, so we could buy a domain and make a website. At the same time, Domča addressed her friend Verča Hradilová to the photographer, if the festival did not shoot and possibly did not help with several organizational matters ... voila, Verča was in the game. Well, a few months later, the first year was held. I have tipped 300, a maximum of 400 visitors. Domča was more ambitious, she said we could give 600. Well, it was 1800 in one evening. So, although we did not know much about what we were doing, we said we were interested in it and that we would do it again next year.
There are 4 years of the festival behind us. Which one made you the most memorable and most remembered?
Maybe I can not say that. Everyone was very different, everyone had something else in their own, and each brought challenges of another type.
And any particular installation or artist?
That's hard, but I'd probably have one, though a little selfish for my assignment. It was the third year that took place in Dungeon, which is a huge baroque building in the center of which is a chapel, which the Communists "enriched" with ugly frescoes with soldiers and tanks that are still there. I have talked to the KinocirKus artistic group that makes video camps to give the soldiers a little joke and give them some flowers and stuff. I can not say how grateful I am to live at a time when this can arise and not a crime, but a culture.
What are you most proud of?
That we managed to get this concept of the festival in Brno. Nom - friends, without a trip, without connections, without money and know - how, only with the vision that we can create something together.
Is there something you're not proud of and what else would you do?
I do not always think that I want to change anything in the past. But of course, a lot of things that I can see backward could work better if I went elsewhere and I'm trying to teach them.
It is:
- do not take over more than I can manage, even if I have good intentions - get rid of it one way or the other
- do not stress so much when something is not working as planned because, as Vlasta Burian said: "It has not happened yet that something has not come to pass."
Your position in the organizational team has passed and you will not be involved. Why? Will not you miss it?
From the first year I knew I wanted to travel to New Zealand and that time matured. Before I left, I closed a bunch of things, not just my role on the Prototype. Time for Zealand is a fast-track show for me and we'll see what's next coming to the station when I get back to the Czech Republic. And if my Prototype organization misses me? Honestly ... no. During the last year, I felt clearly that I had reached my limits in terms of how to move the festival. At the same time, however, I knew that the project was far from exhausted and that it was at the beginning. And I'm sure he got to the best possible moment in the most competent hands - to the couple who says VISUAL, Michal and Honza. I believe they can do that.
[: en]Before the preparations for this year's Prototype festival take place, we will give space to those who stood (or sat) at the birth of past years. How do they recall the past years of their coordinator, co-creator, and especially the brains of the whole event? How do girls without experience become girls who organize a festival for a thousand people? We asked each one separately how they see the history of their work within the festival. Below you can read almost unabated authentic testimonies - in the first part by Veronika Rejšková, where you will learn, among other things, what New Zealand means for you at the moment.
What was your position on the organizing team?
What was your experience with organizing festivals?
Actually, no, but I've had a part of the program called Coffee Trends on several Coffee Weeks, which made the Prototype a little bit.
What did you experience from the festival organization?
The main experience was that I found out what it all meant to have my own project. Combination of responsibility for this, all the people in the project, visitors, for money, for sponsors, etc. This combined with, uh ... quite a bit of age, is a total experience booster.
Is something that the festival took?
Especially the last four autumns, which have always been the prototype tugs, and there was no time for anything else. I look forward to going to a burcak and I will not think about how much this year's festival area has to do.
What was the main motivation to stay with?
About the moments when I felt it was "meaningful" - watching artists from different industry bubbles (a mix of electricians, artists, designers, IT people ...) working on a joint project where everyone contributes to their know-how. It has a huge drive. At the event, they are, of course, satisfied visitors - everything is running after almost every year's preparations, visitors scratch, browse inquisitive installations and sometimes look excited. I think it is great that in Brno we have a platform for creating and meeting people from different fields, which at the same time offers a presentation of the output in the format of the festival for all age groups. Well, when it seems to you that what you are doing has a good impact, so it gives you the motivation to continue working on it, though it is sometimes nervous.
Without which people would the Prototype never arise?
Those are those questions when I'm afraid to forget about anyone, so I'm narrowing it down to the very birth of the festival concept. The prototype would not have been without Klára Vamberská, Domčená sestra, who took part in the first coffee show for the Coffee Week, I think in 2011, and who immediately said: "Look, it looks like we can make a fashion show, right? So what if we do another on our own? "I told her that it seemed like a pretty stupid idea to me. Nevertheless, I thought about it somehow, and three years later, the first Prototype was headed by a fashion show full of shining clothes, which our modeling team made mostly of our team. So thanks, Klárko!
And now, instead of trying to name other names, I will just mention the common denominator for all those who touched the Prototype, albeit just a little - the enthusiasm that crossed all levels, from volunteers, through our sponsors or visitors to our parents. Without that enthusiasm, the Prototype could not be what it is ... it would not even exist.
What do you think about when it comes to the Prototype?
Countless evenings spent with the organizing team at Impact Hub, which has always been a hiding place and hatching ideas and connections, for which I never thanked him enough (I hope I'm doing it now!) Then also a bunch of moments when I learned that something is not working , it is not how it should be or someone has canceled something, etc. How to trick your whole stomach at the moment and you want to find yourself under the blanket, but instead you have to turn on your brain and solve it immediately. And then, too, there are many people who have invested in the Prototype a pile of their energy, time and belief that everything will be OK.
I'll also pick up my frozen feet after the second year, which took place in the basement of Little America where it was really cold. When I came home with a vision of a hot tub, and when I came, it did not flow warm water.
Prototype in one word.
Art, science or technology?
How did you get 5 years ago to organize the festival?
I kind of started the story upstairs, so I just add what happened between Klárčina's question, it's almost eight years back and the first year. When I was thinking about the show that Klárka had come to, I thought it would be interesting if it went out in the dark, with different light sources on the dress, so that only light could be seen, not a dress. And the idea always grew a little bit up when I talked to someone about it. The crucial moment was when I was talking to Rostislav Somora, a friend of mine who had studied electrotechnics and who had become an integral part of the team, and I quickly realized that the idea would do things that would not even dream of me. I had imagined by then that we would buy a pile of candlesticks somewhere in the underpass and tie them to chisel shirts. Well, all of a sudden, we talked about dressing up the clothes in the places where they touched them or when the model clapped. Well, that idea grew and grew and packed up more and more people when I, Klárka and Domča, officially launched a new project under non-profit Kulturarium. When we counted it, we realized that making a show for a stack of money that would take twenty minutes was not a good deal, and we started looking for more articles in the program. We did this surprisingly quickly.
We've joined a lot of active students from JAMU and friends from various technical disciplines. Suddenly, we had a whole program with a pile of creators, and it was obvious that we were not doing a show with an accompanying program, but a festival. Domca devised God's name Prototype, so we could buy a domain and make a website. At the same time, Domča addressed her friend Verča Hradilová to the photographer, if the festival did not shoot and possibly did not help with several organizational matters ... voila, Verča was in the game. Well, a few months later, the first year was held. I have tipped 300, a maximum of 400 visitors. Domča was more ambitious, she said we could give 600. Well, it was 1800 in one evening. So, although we did not know much about what we were doing, we said we were interested in it and that we would do it again next year.
There are 4 years of the festival behind us. Which one made you the most memorable and most remembered?
Maybe I can not say that. Everyone was very different, everyone had something else in their own, and each brought challenges of another type.
And any particular installation or artist?
That's hard, but I'd probably have one, though a little selfish for my assignment. It was the third year that took place in Dungeon, which is a huge baroque building in the center of which is a chapel, which the Communists "enriched" with ugly frescoes with soldiers and tanks that are still there. I have talked to the KinocirKus artistic group that makes video camps to give the soldiers a little joke and give them some flowers and stuff. I can not say how grateful I am to live at a time when this can arise and not a crime, but a culture.
What are you most proud of?
That we managed to get this concept of the festival in Brno. Nom - friends, without a trip, without connections, without money and know - how, only with the vision that we can create something together.
Is there something you're not proud of and what else would you do?
I do not always think that I want to change anything in the past. But of course, a lot of things that I can see backward could work better if I went elsewhere and I'm trying to teach them.
It is:
- do not take over more than I can manage, even if I have good intentions - get rid of it one way or the other
- do not stress so much when something is not working as planned because, as Vlasta Burian said: "It has not happened yet that something has not come to pass."
Your position in the organizational team has passed and you will not be involved. Why? Will not you miss it?
From the first year I knew I wanted to travel to New Zealand and that time matured. Before I left, I closed a bunch of things, not just my role on the Prototype. Time for Zealand is a fast-track show for me and we'll see what's next coming to the station when I get back to the Czech Republic. And if my Prototype organization misses me? Honestly ... no. During the last year, I felt clearly that I had reached my limits in terms of how to move the festival. At the same time, however, I knew that the project was far from exhausted and that it was at the beginning. And I'm sure he got to the best possible moment in the most competent hands - to the couple who says VISUAL, Michal and Honza. I believe they can do that.